Private Personal Training

Private Personal Training
Have you ever experienced one-on-one personal training? If your answer is no, I highly recommend you try it out at some point in time. I am not just saying that because I, myself, am a personal trainer. I personally have been trained and experienced the benefits of personal training. I’ve experienced this from both the client’s and the trainer’s point of view. My name is Haven Schulz, a Laguna Beach personal trainer and owner of Health Haven Studio! All trainers and studios are unique. I just want to give you an idea of the massive benefits of private personal training.
- Personalization
- Accountability
- Relationships
If I were to choose the single most important quality of private personal training, it would be the personalization. Each fitness and nutrition plan is personalized just for you. Personalized for your goals, your body, your schedule, and so much more! A good trainer will want to know everything about you from your medical history to your work schedule. At Health Haven Studio, my clients hear me say over and over again that everyBODY is different! Client A and B may both want to lose lose 20 lbs, but they may both need completely different diets and workout programs to safely meet their goals. With private personal training, you are able to monitor all of your fitness and nutrition on a much more affect and detailed level. Much more than you would in any group class or by working on your own.
The second most important aspect to private personal training is, hands down, accountability. This, I am able to provide my clients. Not only do my one-on-one clients have to be committed to their scheduled sessions, but I also hold them accountable throughout the entire week. What does that mean? Not every trainer does this, and my clients can opt out if this option. The option I am referring to is that I text my clients multiple times a week to check in and make sure they are staying on track with their food and extra exercise. My clients also know that they are more than welcome to text or email me at anytime with any questions they might have regarding eating out, traveling, healthy recipes, grocery store choices, etc.
I always remind my clients that they have one hour in the studio with me and 23 other hours to stay on track! Just knowing in the back of their mind that someone knows and cares about their choices is a huge motivation. I want my clients to succeed just as much as they do, if not more! When you have a private training session, you and your trainer are able to talk about the smallest details of your fitness and nutrition plan.
Lastly, one of most unexpected parts of private personal training is the strong relationship you build with your trainer. This relationship is built on all things positive: trust, motivation, encouragement, guidance. Your trainer wants you to feel healthy, happy, strong, and confident…..if they don’t, it’s time you get a new trainer. You quite possibly will be spending a few hours a week with this individual. This is more than we do most of our own friends and family! When I first started Personal Training, I did not know that relationship building was part of the job description. It has now become one of my favorite parts about my job! Yes, as a trainer, I want to see that attention grabbing transformation picture, but when it comes down to it, I care about my clients health and happiness.
Is Private Personal Training for you?
Private personal training might not be for everyone in the long run, but it is an experience I think everyone should try. You will learning things about yourself and your body that only a trainer can see. You will receive perfectly personalized plans. You will have someone holding you accountable to your goals and you might even build and amazing new relationship. Here in the Laguna Beach Community, there are a variety of options to help you get in shape and stay fit. If you are looking for a different experience, come down to Health Haven Studio and give private personal training a try!
Haven Schulz
Laguna Beach Resident Personal Trainer
Owner of Health Haven Studio